Canadians are always “discussing” the weather as it seems we’re still unaccustomed to the fact that we live in Canada and therefore the weather is rarely “ideal”. Yes, April’s forecast has been a mega drag so far. However, I recall the saying,“If you can’t beat them, join them” and this is the approach I’ve been taking with April’s aggressive cold front. Because, in my experience, if you’re dressed for the weather it never seems as bad.

I’ve had my trusty and timeless trench coat at the ready, hanging above my even more essential wellies, which rest beside an umbrella that seems to be constantly in need of drying. I like to combat the dreary weather with brights like light denims, minty ginghams and rosy lip stick. Plus, with no sun I can give my eyes a break from contacts and wear my specs.

Then, to polish it off I pack up my uber versatile Edie bag (sprayed with water protectant of course) and away I go.

1. H&M Trench Coat (similar) & (similar) 2. Hunter Boots 3. J.Crew Edie Purse 4. Joe Fresh Shirt 5. Light Wash Jeans (similar) 6. JewelMint Freya Necklace 7. Oliver Peoples Glasses 8. Vintage rings.
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