Oh springtime, how you delight us with unpredictable weather and excuses to wear our favourite little jackets and coats. Truth is, I’d been pining for a tribal IRO jacket for a while, but it was way out of the budget. So I perused my all time favourite online store NastyGal and sure enough the perfectly styled, and priced, rendition was waiting for me in their Lost Empire Jacket (see comparison below). It is woven with all different flecks of colour so naturally it called for my tangerine Minkoff to make it’s first appearance of the season. I’m wearing this jacket everywhere from work meetings to lunches and dinners. I know it will deliver me right into summer, when I’ll pair it with a white tee, cut offs and gladiators.

1. Lost Empire Jacket from NastyGal, 2. Rebecca Minkoff purse, 3. JBrand Jeans, 4. BIKO Short Jaya Necklace, 5. Zara Heels, 6. BIKO Bracelets, 7. J.Crew T-Shirt.

These heels are a contemporary take on the classic black pump and I spotted them on a few blogs. To my relief they were still available and fit like a glove!
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