For the last couple of days Mother Nature has been all “Let’s get real kids.” as she dropped the temperature and even a dusting of snow on us. What a betch. But she’s right, we can’t really prolong the inevitable anymore. Which evokes the question, is there anything more deliciously inviting than a stack of cozy sweaters on crisp fall day? For me, there is not.

I just recently rumpled through my sweater drawer and took inventory of all the woven wonders I have at my disposal. Despite their bulk I dare say I have room for one or two more this blustery season. Though you can’t tell from these photos, most of my sweater stock is white, black or camel. I have been eyeing up some petal pink & colour blocked perfection online and today’s briskness is all the convincing I need to pull the trigger.

Serendipity is when events occur by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Such is that of the temperatures dropping and J.Crew having a 25% Off sale. But I have a sneaking suspicion that this is no coincidence and that J.Crew has in fact devised a way to control the weather. Maybe Im just being paranoid. Regardless, coziness is a plenty and prime for the picking when you visit J.Crew and use code SHOPNOW at checkout. Expires Oct 30 at 11:59pm.

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