Yikes! We’re already well into June and I’m just finally getting a chance to regain composure and reflect on May! It was a ridiculously fast month but as far as I can recall and according to my camera archives it was a fabulous 31 days.
The first thing to note is that everything is blooming! Flowers abound and the world is lush and filled with life and the welcoming colours of late spring. Second, I discovered I am more hopelessly in love with peonies and lilacs than ever before. And third, we completely revamped our garden and yard-scape. My favourite addition was our Japanese maple. I have the blisters from digging and a very well broken in pair of Birks to prove that our landscaping project was no small feat. Dave is his most natural self when he’s outdoors, working on ‘the land’ as he’d say. I love seeing him in his element.
The biggest highlight of May was the wedding of my very dear friend Jessica to her love Kevin. She looked breathtakingly beautiful and the wedding itself was a dream. Picture cherry blossoms and peonies everywhere, literally! She was the most gracious bride and I couldn’t be happier for her and Kevin to start their ‘official’ life together.

The wedding was in New York City and Dave and I hung back for a couple days after to explore and eat to our hearts content. We had delicious sushi at Blue Ribbon, I had my first Laduree experience, which was divine and I bought myself…..NADA! I was very proud of my restraint but a bit disappointed that nothing struck me (or fit my budget) during our explorations in SOHO.

May’s weather was incredible and I learned that I’m more than sort of obsessed with neutrals, I’m addicted. Here are a few of the looks I wore.

So there goes May! I better get my head in the June game before it escapes me too. Cottage adventures, BBQs and office renovations await! xo
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