Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

1.0 – FAST – Check-In


Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

I can’t quite believe it but I’m already 1/2 way through my 30 day shopping fast. I’m not sure I went that long without shopping throughout the entirety of 2014 so I’m pretty pleased with myself and my willpower. Of course there have been pangs of lust for a few items here and there but overall I feel a sense of relief. Relief from trying to keep up. Relief from having to add to and improve my wardrobe. Relief from the fear of missing out on something new or better. It’s been a great time to clear my mind and start paying more attention to the things I want to accomplish this year, and of course, closet contentment is one of them.

I’ve been using my little workbook (printable or pdf) and it’s been a big help to keep track of my progress. As it turns out my journal has been a perfect place to jot down the clothes I’ve been wearing and get a sense for the items I gravitate to most. I’ve also tried wearing a few pieces that were otherwise forgotten and it’s been great to re-invest in them and re-invent how they work for me.

I certainly cannot take all the credit for my mid-way success though. The fact that so many of you decided to join me and that we’ve established this little support system has definitely made all the difference. We keep each other on track and accountable which is hard to do alone. It feels so great to read your comments and emails expressing your interest in this mission and how you’re glad to not be doing it alone. If the previous 15 + days are any indication, I’ll dare say we’ve got this!

Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

As promised, today I’m sharing a few snippets of my fast workbook with you. Here are a couple journal entires:

Day 3

  • Today was GREAT! So much positive feedback on the closet mission.
  • Wore a favourite look: Silk button down, Cashmere side-slit sweater, skinnies, simple accessories
  • Spent the day with great friends and had almost no time to miss shopping.
  • Style came up when we were talking about denim preferences. Seems mid-rise is the all-around winner but high-rise has my heart.
  • Hoping today’s fasting momentum will continue!
  • Thought about shopping once.

Day 8

  • SUPER tempted by the Hackwith Design House sale. That Linda Jacket!
  • Wore my Acne cardigan for the 1000th time (consider getting the black one next winter)
  • Made a list of the “missing” pieces from my winter closet.
    • A grey cashmere crewneck slightly oversize (looks great with dark denim)
    • Chunky white turtleneck
    • Light wash LONG skinnies (all mine are cropped)
    • Camel and/or grey blanket scarf
    • Grey marl oversized coat (black shows so much dog hair!)
    • Black cross body (snow gets into my tote so easy!)
    • Quality earmuffs ($25 ones broke)
    • Slippers that aren’t totally lame
  • Thought about shopping a lot.

 Day 12

  • Not getting retail newsletters has made a HUGE difference in how much I browse and get lost in online shopping.
  • Wore pink for the first time in a long time (J.Crew boyfriend sweater below) and it was very well received.
  • Nothing feels or drapes like cashmere that’s for sure.
  • Big sweaters and skinnies are by far my most common outfit combo.
  • Thought about shopping once.
Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

One workbook exercise I found very useful was the Last Great Buy and Last Bad Buy activity. It’s worthwhile to pinpoint past purchases that were a success and those that weren’t so much for future reference. I decided to add onto this by identifying my Best Buy of 2014 and here are all three:


Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

Last Great Buy: Everlane Chambray Button Down

Cost: $55 USD

Brand: Everlane

Material: 100% Cotton

Quality: Good

Versatility: Infinite

Reason I bought it: My old chambray had an irreparable rip and I loved how simple this version was.


Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

I’ll preface this by saying a bad buy doesn’t mean you don’t like it or you wouldn’t want to wear it. It just means that all things considered you would probably be better off without it.

Last Bad Buy: Pantent Leather Pump

Cost: $290 + $100 customs (GAH!)

Brand: Loeffler Randall

Material: Leather

Quality: Excellent

Versatility: Low (for my lifestyle and the weather especially)

Reason I bought it: They had been on my wish list for months and went on sale for 30% off. I didn’t need more heels but I loved these and at a weak moment convinced myself to get them. What can I say, discount dangle got me good! Truth is I couldn’t afford them and they set me back. They are stunning but were a bit too small and had to be stretched, plus as soon as they arrived the weather got really cold and snowy. I’m not quite ready to give up on them but note to self, only buy boots after October 1st.


Style Bee - Shopping Fast - Check In

Best Buy of 2014: Brown cross body bag

Cost: $38 USD

Brand: Vintage from Millay Vintage

Material: Leather

Quality: Good

Versatility: Infinite

Reason I bought it: I had been looking for a simple, chic neutral cross body for the summer. It was also very reasonably priced and from a trusted vintage source.

So there’s a peek into my shopping fast so far! There have been good days and not so good days when shopping is a big distraction. But overall I’m feeling great about it. Does yours look similar? Way different? I’d love to hear how it’s going for you!

If you’re with me, good luck during the back half of the shopping fast! Like I said earlier, we got this!

Leave me a comment here!

  1. Rita says:

    I’m not doing this fast (I worked on a shopping strategy a few years back and it worked so well it became part of my attitude towards shopping) but I think your little workbook is really useful, particularly to be help track thoughts about certain items or just to catch oneself thinking about shopping. It just helps being more aware. Good luck for the second half!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Rita, I’d love to know more about this shopping strategy you speak of! I assume the buying embargo you talked about a few posts ago is a part of it and I really liked that idea.

      I totally agree, awareness is critical. We get so caught up in routines and the day to day we’re not even in tune with our own thoughts and tendancies, let along style!

      Thanks for reading! xo

      – Lee

  2. Great post and meaningful and honest in every way. Especially meaningful because I’m shop fasting also. I love your Everlane purchase. I’ve gotten addicted to their short sleeve sweatshirts and in general tops. I’ve been finding new things to wear also and giving forgotten things a chance.

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks so much for your comment Garin! I’m glad you liked the post. It was hard to be so honest and put myself out there but comments like yours mean a lot.

      Everlane is definitely onto something epic! I haven’t met a piece by them I didn’t like 🙂

      Glad to know you’re joining me on the fast! I hope it’s going well and you feel like you’re getting to know your style and closet a bit better.



  3. Amie says:

    I personally can’t justify shopping at places where I’ll have to fork out customs and extra fees, it just seems like wasted money to me (which is why I sadly have not shopped Everlane), so I miss out on a lot, but can avoid a lot of “ouch” purchases. Needless to say, I still have made some purchases that were better off not made last year. I’m getting better and better at it, but we all slip sometimes!

    I have not made a clothing purchase this month yet, though I’m not necessarily fasting. I’m just trying to be VERY selective in regards to anything I buy from now on. It’s really tough when my closet is so lacking. Honestly, after a purge, I have maybe less than half a closet full of clothes left. I DID cave, and bought a Clarisonic however as Sephora is having 2x the points right now, and my skin has been driving me nuts, I’d do anything to fix it, and it’s tough to be happy without a happy face ;-)!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Hi Amie, Customs + import fees can definitely be painful but when I know what to expect it’s not as bad. Still though, if you can avoid it good for you!

      I think being really selective is just good shopping practice. I hope to come out of this closet mission with a very discerning approach to buying clothes and accessories. The better we understand our style and what works and what doesn’t, the fewer things we’re tempted by, at least that’s my current theory!

      I wouldn’t even consider buying that Clarisonic a ‘cave’ per se. If it’s something you genuinely need and feel will improve your day to day then it’s certainly not an impulse buy or bad way to spend your money. I hope it’s helping!

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and current closet status. I admire you for being so disciplined and editing your wardrobe down so much. I think what seems limiting now might end up giving you freedom once you add the odd new item here and there.

      xoxo – Lee