That was the sound of January whizzing by, just in case you were wondering. Before February gets away from me I wanted to quickly stop and reflect on 2015 so far.
Highlights – The month began with a 5 year anniversary for Dave and me. I think I might have given the impression that we’re married, but we’ve haven’t gone through with that just yet. We figured if we can get through a house renovation and still want to spend our lives together that’s a good sign! The month ended with a celebration for my Mum’s birthday and my best friend Allie moving across the country to Vancouver. I am still adjusting to the reality of it, and not having her nearby, but I am so proud of her and can’t wait to visit in the spring!
The Blog – Towards the end of last year I set myself a goal to make Style Bee more purposeful and reflective of my values. Once the closet mission started coming to life I knew I was on my way to achieving that goal. It’s been so rewarding to get to know some of you better and to read about your thoughts on style and consumerism. I’ve learned so much about my own tendencies too and can’t wait to see where this little closet journey will lead. February is going to be a big month with more giveaways, a guest blogger and tons of inspiration!

Coffee – Maybe it’s because I was sick most of December and chain guzzling green tea but I’ve been on a crazed coffee binge since the year began. Much to our elation we received a Chemex as a gift for Christmas so that’s definitely been fuelling the fire, so to speak. If you haven’t had Chemex coffee before, you need to remedy that. If only I could switch caffeine out for a green juice or a yoga addiction that would be great.

House & Home – We’re on phase 2 of our renos, which means the main floor bathroom, kitchen and dining room are under attack! There’s a really long road ahead on these projects but I’ve been tying up some loose ends in the rooms we finished in Phase 1, the bedroom, office and upstairs bathroom. Soon they’ll be ready to reveal and I’m SO excited!

In My Bag – This month I’ve been running a pretty lean ship when it comes to what’s in my bag. I’ve always got at least two notebooks (one for work and one for blog) along with my gold Cross pen, NARS lip pencil, and if they’re not on my wrist my favourite bangles and watch are tucked in a pocket. Of course my phone is in there too and this month I had the opportunity to try out a custom phone case from Casetify. I love it! The creation/order process was a breeze and the case itself is low profile but protective. I chose to use one of my shots from last spring to help get me through the final few months of winter. If you’re in the market for a new phone case definitely take a gander through the hundreds of awesome designs available on Casetify or choose you own image to use. You can use this link for $10.00 off your order. I also put together a little collection of all my favourite floral and spring-time photos that make pretty cases, see them here.

Daily Style – Naturally sweaters have been in heavy rotation lately. Even with all the glorious spring look books out in full force, the freezing temperatures have me seeking covers and cozy knits. We just got dumped with a couple feet of snow too so layers, socks, gloves and parkas aren’t going into storage anytime soon. (*sniff *sniff *whimper)

Fur Butt – My little bear Dobby was ultra cuddly during January and I didn’t mind one bit. He’s got a little bed in my office and keeps me company when I work at home and on weekends. Our total obsession with this little furry creature is astonishing. We just adore him and his hilarious quirks.

Monthly Vibes – This may just be my final Monthly Vibes post. So many ideas with so little time means I’ve got to prioritize. But if you’re interested you can keep up with my daily ongoings and style musings on Instagram @leevosburgh, Dobby makes the occasional guest appearance too.
Any big plans for February? Do tell!
I definitely think you should keep this! I absolutely loved it!
Iam utterly fascinated by emmitt and wish i could from home just to be with him all day. We just spent 10 minutes watching him eat and were memorized lol. Dobby is such a adorable Corgy that I can only imagine all the cute things his short legs do!
I’am excited about your home rrenovations as someone who has never dreamed of a wedding but always of a home and kids I can’t wait. Hopefully this year we will purchase a place and be able to slap some paint up at least!
Your style is amazing. It’s like mine, but more sophisticated. I definitely treated myself to 2 everlane u necks and sweatshirt today! I think they’ll be my only purchase this month, unless Madewell has a major sale!
PS- your new phone case is adorable. I’ve had the Madewell bien fait one for over a year and am pretty attached to it still but I’ll keep them in mind for the future.
Also if we ever make it up to wherever you are lets get coffee. You seem darling so I’am sure your boo is too 🙂
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment Jodie! I love that you were mesmerized by Emmitt haha, we totally do the same thing. They’re just incredible little creatures.
Good call on the everlane order! I picked up some tees and a sweatshirt too 🙂 I can’t wait to wear them!
Coffee is a must! It’s clear we’re both addicts haha xoxo
These posts are always so beautiful! I will be sad to see them go as well.
Super excited for February though and everything coming up 😉
ps: I owe you an email tonight!
Thanks so much Faith! Me too girl! Talk soon xox
I love your monthly post 🙁 sad to see it go . Dobby is the cutest thing ever. There’s these two that live in our neighborhood and we always get our doggy fix when we see them.
That’s really sweet of you to say Myrna. Thank you! Nothing is set in stone yet so the monthly vibes may live yet!
Corgi’s are just so short and hilarious! Even having my own dog I still go nuts for every one I see on the street. haha xo
I bought my boyfriend Chris a Chemex coffee maker for Christmas and it’s all he’s been using now! You sound just like him about the difference, haha!
That is one lucky and nicely caffeinated fellow you’ve got! It’s honestly changed my life! xo
I think my head may have just exploded–I don’t know why I just assumed that you guys were married, but for some reason I was 110%, without a doubt convinced you were! Haha. So funny. I like your reasoning for waiting though. We’re in a similar boat, except we’re more along the lines of, “if we can make it through a few years of long distance, unemployment, then both working long hours and two jobs each”.
Sidenote, I will be so sad if this is the last Monthly Vibes post! Sometimes I’m a little late in tuning in, so these serve as nice catch-up posts for me. Totally understand the lack of time though, so don’t feel bad! 🙂
Haha, I knew I’d led people to believe we were married! For all intents and purposes we basically are but I think we’ll make it official in the next few years. Everything just costs so damn much! Long distance is so tough, I truly admire couples that can do that. Not to mention all the work on top of it!
Thanks for always bringing your positive (and hilarious!) vibes Shannon, it means so much to me! xox