It’s just as well I’ve made a point to keep tabs on my monthly adventures otherwise the year would really just be a blur. Speaking of blurs (and abrupt segues), the first weekend in April was just that. A whirlwind weekend trip to San Francisco to celebrate my dear friend Jess’s bachelorette. I am her very honoured Maid of Honour so I had the opportunity to test out my trip planning skills for a group of 10 lovely ladies. We wined, dined and champagned to our heart’s content. It was a quick trip but certainly one we’ll never forget. A few highlights were seeing the Golden Gate Bridge, a full day of wine tours, a truly remarkable brunch at Bar Tartine and spending an amazing 48 hours with some of my favourite people.

For whatever reason April brought out my inner plant and flower obsessions. I guess I just couldn’t wait for May to bring the blooms. I filled our place with fresh colourful petals and picked up my first succulent. I’m dreaming of having a whole family of cacti and succulents scattered throughout the house at some point but I need to keep this one alive for a couple months before I commit to more. If you have any pointers do share!

Or course, April brought it’s usual showers but also some warm, bright days that allowed a few of my favourite closet items to come out of hiding. Here are a few outfits that really had me feeling like it was spring!

So there’s April come and gone. May is my birth month, and I can’t help my biased belief that it is indeed the best month of the year. Spring is in full force and the glory of summer awaits! Aside from that, May means a New York City Wedding, BBQs and visits with my girlfriends. What’s not to love about that agenda? What’s in store for your month ahead?
Looks like you had a fabulous month! Love all those spring outfits – I’m definitely going to channel your vibe this summer!
Thanks lovely! That’s awesome! xo
I take back the snarky comment I made on my IG post yesterday; you can do white background outfit photos like no other! (Just you though, ha! Everyone else’s aren’t quite as creative or dynamic 😉 I am curious though– what do you use for such an expansive white backdrop, posterboard/paper or something along those lines? Whatever it is, I dig it!
Ahaha! I just saw that post and totally get where you’re coming from. Thanks girl! I’m glad I have you’re go ahead because I have too much fun making them! They’re my little creative/style outlet during the week. I just use a big piece of white foam core, more stable and durable than paper or bristol board. Ps. Love your wit and that Everlane wallet! xo