Decked Out Digital is back in a summery celebration! Nothing says summer quite like a big, bright, yellow bunch of Sunflowers on your screen. They’re instant mood boosters and smile inducers. So much so that I couldn’t bring myself to edit the desktop backgrounds down to one so there are three for the picking this month. Hope you like these ones and they add a bit of happy to your day!
To set background simply download the image to your phone using one of the links above > Open Settings > Wallpapers + Brightness > Choose a new wallpaper > From your photos choose the wallpaper you’d like to use > Save to either Home Screen, Lock Screen or both!
To set background simply download the image to your computer using one the link above > Open System Preferences > Desktop + Screensaver> + > Select the photo from your downloads and save.
Ps. The date and time are easier to see in real life than in these examples.
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