Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap

2017 – Spring 10×10 – Recap


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I had a great time catching up on the #Spring10x10 Challenge feed and reflecting on this latest experience. It seemed to go by in such a flurry that I hadn’t really had a moment to let it all sink in. Today my co-host Caroline of UnFancy and I will be recapping our experience with the challenge and sharing some of the key takeaways we’re keeping in mind as we move ahead with our style and closet intentions.

It wasn’t until I started re-reading through the #Spring10x10 posts that I realized the true extent of this community and how honest, positive and supportive it really is. I’m honoured that so many of you have been open to giving my random idea of picking 10 items, to wear in 10 looks over 10 days a try. Personally, I find the world of social media and blogging can be quite isolating but seeing how this challenge brings people together, from all over the world, in such a fun way feels inclusive, friendly and genuine. So thanks for trusting me and anyone else who encouraged you give it a go! From the looks of things it’s been a helpful exercise for many of you and I couldn’t be more appreciative of your participation! If you didn’t try it this time, no worries, maybe we can convince you to give it a go next time around!

Today’s recap post will cover: 

  1. My 10 Items + All 10 Looks (In + Out)
  2. 5 Bonus Outfits
  3. My Personal Style Findings + General Takeaways
  4. 15 Fabulous Looks from the #Spring10x10 Feed
  5. Standout Insights from the 10×10 Community
  6. What’s Up Next on Style Bee 

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap


These are the 10 items I chose to style into my 10 different looks.

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap

1 | COGNAC SUEDE FLATS | L’Intervalle (2 months old) | $138 CAD | Made in Spain

2 | LINEN BUTTON DOWN | c/o Power of My People (new) | $165 CAD | Made responsibly in Canada | Today is the last day to receive 20% OFF sitewide! Use code: STYLEBEE. If your size is sold out, hang tight! Power of My People is working to restock the Wayward Shirt and when it’s back I’ll let you know so you can still use the code!

3 | VINTAGE FIT JEANS | Madewell (2 yr old) | $162 CAD | Imported | Responsibly US Made Option by AGOLDE ($158 USD)

4 | SLIM BLACK PANT | c/o Nicole Bridger (new) | $194 CAD | Made responsibly in Canada of Blue Sign Certified fabric.

5 | LINN TEE | c/o Elizabeth Suzann (1 yr old) | $145 USD  | Made responsibly in USA | Similar by Eileen Fisher on sale.

6 | JUMPSUIT | c/o Esby Apparel (1 yr old, linked to new version) | $295 | Made responsibly in USA | Similar by Black Crane ($190 USD) and Not Perfect Linen ($136 CAD) |

7 | SILK MIDI SKIRT | c/o Elizabeth Suzann (1 yr old, sold out) Check out the Clyde Skirt (raw silk broadcloth) | Made responsibly in USA | Linked to similar by Base Range ($210 USD) and similar in linen by Black Crane ($229)

8 | JERSEY TANK DRESS | c/o Eileen Fisher (4 months old) | $278 CAD | Made responsibly in USA

9 | MARS BOOT | Rachel Comey (6 months old) | $426 USD | Made in Peru

10 | RHODES SWEATER | Elizabeth Suzann (new, sold out) | Made responsibly in USA | Similar option by Everlane ($120 USD)


Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap


Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap

Check out the Outfits Archive for the full post on all these looks!


Here’s a look at 5 bonus outfits I put together from my 10 Items. Now that the weather is warming up these are great options for the higher temps in the forecast. Honestly, I could have easily created another 5 looks in addition to these! I think that’s a really good indication that the pieces I chose were highly versatile and interchangeable.

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap


In general, this was my favourite challenge so far! I had so much fun with these looks and yet they still felt totally practical and wearable. Not to mention the fact that the weather was much more agreeable that during Winter. In past challenges there have always been a couple looks that felt off or uncomfortable in some way but not this time. I really enjoyed them all. In fact, I was so stuck on choosing my top 3 faves I decided to forget about it and just be happy with all 10!

You know what else is funny? After most challenges I’m desperate for full closet access and the day it’s over I dive back in. But this time, I actually kept wearing my 10 x 10 items for most of the weekend. In fact, I’m wearing my suede flats and vintage fit jeans right now with a button-down and a duster. I think this means I’m more content than ever with my options and it feels wonderful!

Here’s a quick snapshot of some of my personal style findings:

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap


1 | LESS IS BETTER | I know I say this every time but I believe more than ever that having fewer options to choose from is a true stress reliever. Plus I felt as though all 10 items in my closet were being well utilized and it gave me a chance to really appreciate them more.

Going Forward: I’m inspired to pair my closet down even further. I did another closet edit this weekend and it already feels better to be rid of some ‘extras’ that I now know for certain I don’t need. 

2 | A LITTLE OUTFIT PLANNING GOES A LONG WAY | I planned my outfits ahead of time each week since I needed to shoot them and I wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing any opportunities to try certain items a couple of ways. Knowing what I was going to wear in the morning was great and just like every challenge before, this was one of my favourite daily benefits.

Going Forward: I’m going to take a look at the forecast on Sunday and pull out some items I’m excited to wear for the week. I know I won’t have time to plan every detail but having a general guideline each week will be a huge help for sure.

3 | LAUNDRY IS A NECESSARY EVIL | I did have to do laundry more than normal but you know what, it wasn’t so bad. It meant that the pieces I like to wear weren’t spending a week or more crumpled in the base of a hamper. Instead they were getting refreshed and reworn right away. I washed everything once throughout the challenge.

Going Forward: I hate doing laundry because I leave it for too long and then it’s a huge task. My goal going forward is to try to take care of laundry as soon as I have a full-load worth of a certain colour. We’ll see how that goes! 

4 | COAT OPTIONS MAKE LIFE WAY EASIER | Having a good selection of coats to choose from has been such a pleasure this Spring. It’s the first time I’ve felt like I really have a few that are functional and suit my style.

Going Forward: Coats are one category of my closet that gets a lot of use. I’m happy with my selection currently but going forward I’ll remember that investing in this area won’t go to waste!

5 | MY DAILY UNIFORM | I’ve known this for some time but my true go-to uniform is a simple top, a pair of pants, cute (comfy) shoes and a coat. No need to mess with that! I might throw a dress or a skirt in the mix for fun which is more than enough to keep it interesting.

Going Forward: I’m going to let my instincts guide my style choices for a while and see how it goes. I tend to try to ‘change it up’ for fear of boredom but I don’t think I will get tired of my go-to faves for a while yet. 


You guys absolutely KILLED this Spring 10×10 challenge! I think it’s safe to say this was one of the best one’s yet. I was (and still am!) seriously so impressed with your brilliant styling and how you put pieces together. I was so honoured to see a few of my own style tricks making their way into your outfits too! Honestly I was agonizing over how to choose photos for this grid and had to literally set a timer for myself or I would have spent the entire day on it. So really, this is not my ‘favourites’ or necessarily the ‘best’ outfits, they were just the ones I managed to screen grab from the dozens of open tabs before the timer went off! That said, these looks are pretty freaking great.

Thanks again for putting yourselves out there and taking outfit photos for this challenge. I know it’s not exactly within everyone’s comfort zone but I truly believe it makes a big difference to see how our clothes are working on us and in action. Your candid opinions and thoughts on the challenge were so helpful too, as always. I love that this group is a place where we can share how style influences our daily life (for good and bad), ask for feedback and share openly. Not a space you come across often on the internet (esp. Instagram)!

Ps. I’m not exaggerating one bit when I say this is a seriously stunning feed of smart, stylish and thoughtful women. There were over 2000 posts from all over the globe during just this short 10 day span and it was so fun to see lots of familiar faces and discover many new ones too!

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge - Recap

ROW 1 | @chicethique | @thismomsgonnasnap | @brandikoz

ROW 2 | @thecuriousbutton | @ahappiercloset | @ktj_peterson

ROW 3 | @stefaniemurrer @style_of_constructing| | @shelbymcghee

ROW 4 | @julie_makes | @urbanrootshandmade @sally_evans|

ROW 5 | @river_margaret | @gradschoolstyle @dailypiecework|

NOTEWORTHY: Thanks to the lovely Jenn Rogers for sharing her 10×10 outfits on her awesome YouTube Channel!  


1 | Pieces that are not team-players reveal themselves quickly. This challenge is a great way to test the versatility of different pieces. Those with too many conditions stick out like a sore thumb right away. This doesn’t mean they need to go, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind when adding new items. I got this one from the lovely and talented Elena Rosa Brown (@randomly_happy).

2 | Creativity Loves Constraint. This one comes up a lot every time and it’s so true. When we limit the number of things we have to work with, the more inventive we must be! This forces us to change things up and play around with new solutions.

3 | Shoe Options = versatility, practicality and more style freedom. I get it, trust me. I’m a shoe girl at heart and having my options limited to just 2 is non trivial for me. Many people chose to leave shoes out this time and that’s not cheating, it’s making the challenge guidelines work for you. Spring footwear is especially hard to predict!

4 | If not for the challenge some looks would have never happened. I loved reading that so many of you came across new combinations you love and might never have discovered otherwise! This another guaranteed result that makes this challenge so worthwhile.

5 | The 10×10 Challenge is a fabulous exercise for sewers. I was SO impressed by how many ‘me made’ and ‘sewn by me’ pieces there were in the challenge this time around. As it turns out it’s a perfect opportunity to test out your work and see how you might improve it or change your approach next time. This insight about white shirts from Morna (@style_of_constructing) was brilliant and she used it to improve her own design.

6 | Full Closet Appreciation. Sure, I might not have been dying for full closet access this time, but I certainly have on previous occasions and I know lots of you were this time. The great thing about the challenge is that when you do get full closet access back, it feels like you suddenly have unlimited options and clothes that may have been feeling ‘meh’ are suddenly much more appreciated.

7 | Style Rut Remedy. I personally love this challenge because it really helps you get out of a style rut and it seemed to do the same for many of the other people who joined in. Instead of turning to shopping for a momentary relief, it lets you reinvest in your existing closet and find new ways to work with and appreciate what you already have.

8 | Uncovered New Closet Heroes. I loved reading how many people were surprised by how versatile some items ended up being. Pieces you might have included on a whim end up being more wearable than you thought! Ally Hird (@allyhird) had a great note about this when she said:

‘It just shows that sometimes pieces that may seem a bit too ‘fashion’ to be readily or frequently wearable may quickly become wardrobe workhorses.’

9 | The Weather Makes All the Difference. This is true. The more temperate your climate the easier it will be to plan looks and deal with layers. But it’s called a challenge for a reason right? Personally, I loved that I still had access to coats and think it’s worth considering a contingency plan like that when you start out. Then there’s no feeling of ‘cheating’ or having to make drastic revisions to your options.

10 | Increased personal style confidence. I was thrilled to see how many of you felt that your confidence in personal style had increased throughout the challenge. That’s truly what it’s all about! Margaret (@river_margaret) put it so well when she wrote:

‘Most importantly, my confidence in my personal style increased, and my apprehension over what other people might think decreased. Kind of ironic in this forum driven by “likes”, but a lovely outcome for me.’

What was one (or more) of your main takeaways from the 10×10 Challenge?

If you’ve done more than one challenge, how did this one differ from your previous experience?

I’d love to read your thoughts on the experience! 

Style Bee - Spring 10 x 10 Challenge


THIS WEEK: I’ll be taking it easy as far as blogging this week but I’ve got a fun collaboration with ETSY Canada on deck for Friday!

DURING MAY: I’m looking forward to starting the month off with a Closet Mission Check-in and following that up with lots of outfit posts! Each week I’ll be picking 1 item and styling it into 3 outfits. Not to mention some other Closet Mission ideas I’m currently cooking up! There will also be a Style Bee Closet sale soon! Follow @stylebeecloset for updates.

If you’ve got any post requests I’d be more than happy to hear them, so let me know in the comments. 

SUMMER 10×10: A Summer 10×10 Challenge is happening! Logistics and timing are TBD but I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as that’s worked out.

Thanks again to my amazing co-host Caroline Joy Rector of UnFancy for wonderful 10×10 Challenge and to all of you who joined in and followed along!

You made this challenge the best one yet!

Here’s to the next one!

This post is not sponsored but contains affiliate links. When you shop via the links above I may make a small commission from a sale. This income helps limit the amount of sponsored content that appears on Style Bee. Thanks a lot for your support! 

Leave me a comment here!

  1. Darby Talbott says:

    Hi, I’m new to your blog and am absolutely loving it so far. I’m so inspired by your style and colour palette choices. I was just wondering what shade your livefashionable satchel was in, I’ve been considering one for a while but the colours seem to vary so much in different pictures I’m not sure which to get!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks Darby! So happy to hear that 🙂 I have the regular size Tirhas Saddlebag in Pewter. I’d say the photos on my blog are true to real life. It’s a warm grey. Goes with everything! Hope that helps. xo

  2. Patricia Kay says:

    Over-the-top, Style Bee! Thank You!
    Looking forward to participating in 10×10 Summer Time. We move to the cabin for the Summer, and I am committed to NOT take too many items! Also, your Closet mission in May sounds like what may truly help prior to the 10×10.
    My goal is to stop believing in “just-in-case-pieces” because they are the ones that seem to clutter the freedom of “less is more”.
    How oh how do you make such wondrous decisions to “let go” as you edit?
    Have a beautiful week!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks so much Patricia! That’s amazing that you get to spend all summer at your cabin. Dave and I are hoping to have a cottage to escape to one day!

      I think your thoughts on Just-In-Case pieces is spot on! Thanks for sharing that. I need to let go of quite a few but it’s always tough. I just try to trust my gut and if I’m not really excited to wear the piece again, I know it probably won’t be missed.

      Looking forward to having you join us for the Summer 10×10! xo

  3. Anna Wray says:

    I had such an amazing time participating in the Spring 10×10! Thank you so much for hosting and inspiring us all!

    I was really pleased with how I did on my first 10×10, but I definitely hit some snags with the crazy Kentucky weather. I wrote it all out in my own wrap up post:×10-wrap-up-and-insights/

    Thanks again, and keep on being the beautiful and thoughtful person you are!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks so much for the kind words Anna! I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the challenge so much. The weather really can throw a wrench in the mix can’t it?

      I read your recap post and I love how you broke it down into ‘Challenges’ and ‘Wins’, that’s so clever and your insights were spot on. Thank you so much for sharing those so honestly and let me tell you, you’re a seriously classy babe! Hope to have you back for future 10×10’s! xoxo

  4. Eva says:

    Lovely to follow this challenge! I did not participate, but over the past few weeks I’ve been testing out outfits for an upcoming trip to the UK (two days!! – the trip will be 13 days). I think it’ll wind up being a case of which outfits I wind up putting together during the trip – not whether it’s possible.

  5. Brandi K says:

    Awww, thanks for the shout-out! The biggest takeaway for me this time was the realization that even though I felt uninspired to begin with, I’ve been slowly editing and paring down my closet subconsciously since the Winter 10×10 and it’s smaller than ever before but also only filled with clothes I love. And that almost all go together – so I found this to be the easiest 10×10 for me by far!

    Enjoy your well-deserved break (but I’d love to hear your thoughts on ES’s WWC, maybe on instagram?) I’m looking forward to participating in the Summer 10×10, but by then I’m likely to have quite the baby belly which will probably make it more challenging! Thanks again for hosting!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      My pleasure Brandi!! That’s a great takeaway from the challenge. So happy you found it fun and useful!

      I’m planning to share some thoughts on the WWC during my Check-In next week.

      Congratulations on the baby! Can’t wait to see what you put together for Summer. Your looks are always some of my favourites! xo

  6. Andrea says:

    I love the extra outfit with the blue coat. The color is lovely. This was my second 10×10, and most challenging because we were on holiday for all 10 days. It sounded like a good plan but I didn’t pack extra items that I ended up wishing I had for temperature swings. I’m thinking of starting a 20×20 which would include two weekends away, school events, and other commitments. It would be challenging but I would still have access to my closet if I needed it. I found that the longline cardigan is something I need more of! I wore it nearly everyday (or wanted to at any rate!) the key for me (since I’ve tried loads of them) is finding the exact right fit and cotton softness (I can’t wear wool direct on my skin as it’s too itchy). This time I followed your sample formula for items, and while I didn’t get a chance to wear two items, it really helped me, as in previous times I’ve been challenged to find the right balance.

    Thanks for hosting these. They are a lot of fun and I love all the people I’m having a chance to be inspired by!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks for sharing your experience Andrea! Temperature swings can be tough to predict, especially when you’re on holiday. Seems like you found some good takeaways to remember going forward though! I’m glad the sample formula helped too.

      It’s my pleasure to host and I’m so glad you’ve found some great sources for inspiration 🙂 Hope to have you join us for the next one! xo

  7. jaana nugent says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out as one of the participants — happy and honored to be pictured next to some of my favorite ladies!! What’s fun community.

  8. Nicole says:

    So glad we’ll be able to get the Wayward Shirt when it’s back in stock! I wanted one so bad and was so sad when they were out of extra small. It looks absolutely beautfiul !

  9. Miriah (@dailypiecework) says:

    This challenge is quickly becoming one of my favorite creative exercises! Thank you for hosting and including me in your round up. I agree that this community is an amazing source of inspiration! I’ve already worn an outfit inspired by two other participants!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      That’s so wonderful to hear Miriah! I feel the same way about the challenge and seeing other people’s fabulous outfits. So glad you enjoyed it! Loved all the looks and insights you shared. Hope to have you back for another one! xo

  10. Alexandra Marie says:

    So this is a super random tip, but if you grab your scarf by the corner and smooth it out on the bias you get a softer diagonal edge on the scarf rather than having it cut off rectangular…ly. If that makes sense! I read weird little things like that and they blow my mind, haha. Looking forward to trying out your tip to roll the back hem of the shirt before knotting it (no wonder my shirts always look bunch in the back).
    Also I’d been hunting for ways to add belts to dresses without it feeling arbitrary and just floating (I’m 5 months pregnant and would benefit from more shape), and I love how the scarf seems to anchor the belt and make it purposeful.

  11. Thank you for another delightful 10×10, Lee! Your inspiring, beautiful, helpful posts are a highlight of my online time…and I so enjoy when you and Caroline join together on projects!

    This 10×10 was prep for an 8-day, carry-on-only trip in May. (I recently purchased a carry-on that was on my wish list for many months and can’t wait to try it out!)

    One thing that’s feeling like an *ahh, well* is choosing NOT to wear the ES dress I included. I put it on…and it just didn’t feel enough like me. It’s of course beautifully made and all…but honestly, I’m regretting adding it to my wardrobe.

    I requested it as a Christmas gift…and still haven’t worn it. Finally coming to terms with the fact that I *should* have asked for something different…or perhaps regular rather than raw silk. Trying to let the mistake go – but I acquire clothes so rarely, so it feels like a big deal when one doesn’t work out. Perhaps I’ll look into selling it – very much welcome your suggestions for doing so in Canada!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      It was absolutely my pleasure Dana! Thanks for joining us 🙂 I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about the dress. It happens and especially when we try something new it can feel off. You could always try sending a note to ES and see what they say. If it’s basically unworn they might be open to a return for credit. If not shoot me an email as I might have an idea. xo

  12. This has been a great experience, Lee. Thanks for inventing and hosting the 10×10 🙂 I summarized what I learned this time around here:

    and will be looking forward to the next challenge!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Thanks so much for joining in Karen and for being such a motivating and positive force throughout the challenge! You did a wonderful job and I loved reading your insights/recap post. Thanks so much for the style love and for all the thoughtful feedback. You’re a gem! xo

  13. Melanie says:

    I’m so honoured to be included as one of your photos, and to see that you quoted my most important finding from the challenge. Since discovering you in the Fall, I have been working towards a leaner closet of pieces I love and I’m so thrilled that this challenge has confirmed that I’m almost there! I’ve sold 3 pieces and traded 2 since the challenge ended, after realizing I wasn’t excited enough about them, or that I love them, but just wasn’t wearing them. I think I’m almost at the point where I love every item in my closet AND will wear it, and it’s such a good feeling!
    Thanks for helping me to become comfortable with my personal style. I’ve realized I have two looks I love: relaxed 90’s Mom/tomboy and clean, classic, timeless. Kind of hilarious because they are on opposite ends of the style spectrum, but me I guess!
    Thanks again and I look forward to your future posts! (Can’t wait to see what you’ve selected for your wedding dress!!!)

    Melanie (river_margaret on IG)

    • Lee the Bee says:

      It was my pleasure Melanie! Thanks so much for joining in and for sharing such honest insights. You did a fabulous job and I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been making some positive revisions that are making a real difference for you. I love your two look concepts! Embrace what feels best and roll with it 🙂 xo

  14. Ally Hird says:

    Thank you so much for all your insight and a great wrap up post – and thank you for including my quote too! I discovered so much more about my style this time round by just going for it and including mainly pieces I truly love rather than those I thought would be ‘useful’.
    Looking forward to the next one! (although like you, I’m actually still wearing mostly pieces from my 10 items…)

    • Lee the Bee says:

      That’s so great to hear Ally! It was my pleasure to share your insights, you really hit the nail on the head! Thanks for joining us and we’ll look forward to seeing you again next time 🙂 xo

  15. Rebecca says:

    I love the one item, three ways concept — looking forward to it!

    I’d also love to see a “how my closet works together” series about the major component: your pants (what silhouettes, colors, etc) and how you think about them as a collection. How do you decide to add to the group (ex: I’m thinking of adding a second pair of heels, what drives the color, height, style, etc.)

    Yay! Thanks as always!

    • Lee the Bee says:

      So happy to hear that Rebecca! I’m so excited for that series to kick off. Thanks for the great post suggestion, I’ll definitely add that to my ideas list. That’s one I’ll have to think about for a bit but very interesting for sure. Much appreciated! xo

  16. Kat says:

    Hi Lee,

    I’m a follower at Un-fancy and hopped over to your blog over this 10×10 challenge.

    I’ve been taking a second look at Marie Kondo’s Konmari method and one of the youtube videos I watched recommended having a laundry basket that only holds one load’s worth of laundry. I’m thinking of using that trick, too…

    Thank you for the long post! You and your clothes are gorgeous and the way you put it all together is inspiring. 🙂

  17. Glad we have met you during this challenge. It is nice to have another view on how elegant both of you can look with very simple elements. We do something similar with our clients and all the home decor accessories they think they can’t live without…..edit and save the best to be able to use them in new ways.-Laurel Bledsoe

  18. Annette Silveira says:

    Wow! Thank you for the fantastic wrap-up. It’s a keeper, as I will be going to Instagram to check out the ladies whose pictures you included interest me the most. I’m excited to follow along for the rest of the Spring and Summer plans.

    • Lee the Bee says:

      My pleasure Annette! So glad to point you in the direction of some great inst-gals 🙂 Thanks so much for following along, I so appreciate it! xo

  19. Caralee says:

    I’m starting a new job this week with a rather stringent dress code, and have spent the last two weeks collecting items that fit the requirements, while hopefully still loving what I wear. So, watching the 10×10 unfold during this process has been perfect timed and extremely helpful! I currently have 15 items (some seasonal) and will add a couple more peices once I find the perfect ones. but it will basically be a challenge year round! I’m sure I’ll appreciate my after hours wardrobe all the more.

    • Lee the Bee says:

      I’m so glad the 10×10 Challenge gave you some ideas and helped you plan for your new job (congratulations btw!). I hope the new job is going well and the capsule you’ve put together is working well so far! xo

  20. Gina says:

    Thank you Lee, for all your insight and sharing your fabulous looks with us. I had a great time during this spring 10×10×10-style-challenge/ I enjoy this little styling community. Thanks again &
    have a happy Monday,
    Gina Anne

    • Lee the Bee says:

      It’s my pleasure Gina! Thanks so much for joining us and sharing your looks and fabulous insights with us. Great to have you in the 10×10 community 🙂 xo