SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7

Capsule Closet – Look 7


SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7

I believe that one small step at a time will eventually lead to a big leap.

Last week I was answering some questions for an upcoming article (I’ll share more soon!) and I had to fill in my “Job Title”. Usually I’m inclined to write ‘Art Director’ since that’s been the easiest way to put a name on my job but it’s never felt quite right to me. So this time l decided to write ‘Designer/Blogger’ because although I don’t blog or even design full-time, that’s the role I’m working hard to fulfill.

Whenever I’ve sought career advice on pursuing professional dreams a similar theory often comes up, which is that if you treat your passion like a job, it can and will become your job. Of course, it’s not magic, it’s a matter of hard work, late nights, follow through, blood, sweat, tears etc. but it can happen!

So on that note, here’s an outfit that’s pretty much perfect for any role you’re looking fill. Whether it’s creative, analytical, innovative, scientific or entrepreneurial, this simple set up won’t let you down. I’ve also decided this grey cashmere sweater should be in everyone’s closet. If I wasn’t afraid of wearing it out, I’d never take it off!

At the risk of sounding preachy let me just say, the week is only half over, so let’s use the rest of it to start plotting a path to our goals. One step at a time.

SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7SB - Capsule Closet - Look 7

Size Reference (I’m 5’7 and 120 lbs)

Blazer (similar / size 2) || Shoes (TTS 7) || Sweater (M) Similar || Bag || Denim (26 Reg)

Leave me a comment here!

  1. Brenna says:

    I’ve followed your blog almost from the beginning and I have to say, I love the road you are taking on it. It feels purposeful and defined now, and your words are directed and meaningful (even if you are talking about everyday things).

    I loved your wardrobe mission (of course) and online shopping guide but I am loving watching you venture into a more simplistic fashion lifestyle with your shopping breaks and capsule wardrobe.

    I’m excited to see where else this is going. 🙂

    • Lee the Bee says:

      Hi Brenna, Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement! I’m so glad you’re still reading and enjoying the blog. All the best! xoxo