It’s Monday and there are a few things on my mind so I’m just going to throw them out there.
1. The Front Tuck: In my opinion, whoever invented the ‘front tuck’ deserves some sort of medal of fashion honour. Was it J.Crew? I know they invented the half-tuck so it could definitely be a result of Jenna Lyons’ genius. Regardless it’s my #1 go to when I want to add just a tiny touch of polish to an otherwise casual look.
2. Blogging Perceptions: Since my feature in FLARE magazine came out this month, people have suddenly been showing me a lot more respect for my work on the blog and social media. Which is wonderful of course, but previously I’ve gotten the vibe from some folks in my life that blogging is a frivolous endeavour (to put it nicely). I’ve wanted to set the record straight on many occasions but I’ve held my tongue. With a full time job, a house under renovation and plans to launch a business next year, finding time to develop content for Style Bee is NOT easy.
My social life and sleep regimen usually pay the highest price but I do it because I absolutely, undoubtedly, LOVE blogging. From finding inspiration, to pulling looks, to shooting photos, to writing copy, to collaborating with makers, to answering questions and comments from readers. Every, single, aspect! Style Bee gives me a purposeful creative outlet that’s led to some amazing opportunities and connections that would never have happened otherwise. If it means working into the wee hours and on weekends, so be it.
I’m a firm believer that ‘success is the best revenge’. So if you’re working really hard at something you love whether it’s a blog or another creative endeavour, definitely DO NOT pay any attention to the haters or even the silent non-supporters. You GOT THIS! Plus the people that are actually worth your time will openly encourage you and I’m so thankful that I have a lot of those in my life too.
3. Vacation: My first real vacation in a couple years starts this Friday and I couldn’t be more psyched! We’re heading to Vancouver for 9 days and I cannot wait to see my best friend, eat fresh sushi, shop a bit, explore a lot, take great photos and most of all, spend some real down time with my love, Dave. I dare say we’ve earned it! Plus I’m challenging myself to pack with only a carry-on for the whole trip! If it’s a success I’ll be sure to share the details 🙂
So there you have my scatter-brained Monday mindset. Thanks for reading and I hope you like this outfit!

Top Elizabeth Suzann s/o Love the solid ones too || Flares Madewell || Shoes Rachel Comey || Bag Cuyana || Necklace c/o Biko s/o (link to very similar option)
Congrats lady!
Looking good and I’am so proud of you.
Thanks so much Jodie! You’re always a great support and I so appreciate it. Fewer, Better all the way!! xox
Congratulations! Is you Flare feature online, would be great to check it out!
Thanks Abby! It’s the Localist Insider column in the latest print issue but I can’t find an online source for it. It’s a great summer issue with Kate Mara on the cover, in case you need a weekend read. Xo
Your blog is one of my must-reads everyday (and I read too.many.blogs) – I’m so excited that your hard work is being noticed and loved! A Pair and A Spare has a great packing guide that got me through ten days in Alberta and BC a few weeks ago: http://apairandasparediy.com/2015/06/how-to-pack-the-5-4-3-2-1-guide.html Enjoy your vacation!
Thank you so much Noelle! That packing guide is great! I’m totally using it as a base for my planning. xoxo
You go woman!
Continue doing what you love as that would naturally quash doubts and criticisms 😉
You’re so right Mun! Thanks so much for the encouragement! xoxo
You do you, girl! I love your blog, your voice, your aesthetic. I feel that our stylistic interests are very aligned. Minimal, neutrals, clean, considered, interesting shapes. I enjoy coming to your site and seeing how you’ve reworked your wardrobe in many ways (instead of buying a new item for each post. That’s just not realistic.) I am constantly trying to make my wardrobe more and more lean, and man that sure is a process. What you do here is very much an inspiration to me as I make my own edits.
That is really great to hear Katie! Thank you! I love the word ‘considered’ for describing personal style, I might have to adopt that 😉 Simplifying is definitely a long process but so worth the effort! Thanks for the encouragement beauty xoxo
Ps. I checked out your site and you are SO talented, I adore your work!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I absolutely agree that people tend to underestimate the significance and difficulty of blogging, especially style blogging. You do such amazing work on this blog!
Also, my husband and I travel internationally a few times a year and we always take carry-ons, even if we’ll be gone for days and days. Its hard, but it is definitely a great exercise in minimalism and detachment!
So glad you agree about style blogging perceptions. I’ve found any preconceived notions are really just a lack of understanding (as it is with so many things!) but people have been quick to assume it’s just a matter of snapping photos and blabbering about fashion. Definitely not the case for me or you at least! There’s also a lot of “Can’t you just post it later”? NOPE! haha
Good for you guys and your carry-ons! I’m looking forward to packing strategically light actually. It will require major discipline 🙂
Thanks for your always insightful comments Kate! xo
Lee, I came across your blog yesterday and I was excited to find someone focused on simple, ‘clean’ style. I own a wardrobe of primarily only navy, white, black, and stripes and am always looking for inspiration of how to make my edited wardrobe look more styled and also for new pieces to incorporate into it. Thanks for your blog!
PS: I’ve just packed for an upcoming 8 day trip to Canada – and it makes bringing a carry-on that much easier when your clothes are the same color group / style. Excited to see that upcoming post.
K, Welcome! I’m so glad you found my blog and it speaks to your sense of style! You sound like a girl after my own heart 🙂 That’s such a good tip about packing with a lean colour palette. Makes a big difference for sure! Have fun up here in Canada! xoxo