I allllmost decided to forego this September edition of Monthly Vibes but decided it was worth taking a moment to look back on what felt like one of the shortest months yet this year. As is usually the case, putting this post together made me realize just how much I’d managed to cram into another set of 30 days. One of my best friends came to visit, we harvested so many goodies from the garden, made progress on the house and the blog got some major rep from one of my all-time favourite bloggers. Oh and I managed to finally hit publish on the Canadian Responsible Shopping Guide, which has already had a few new gems added! All-in-all it was an undeniably good month, so let’s take a quick look back and a peek at what’s ahead!

It wasn’t until a few days ago that the leaves started changing, but they’ve been in a hurry ever since so I’m glad I took the opportunity to capture a few leafy green scenes while they lasted. Of course, there’s no shortage of succulents and cacti in my life so I snapped a couple portraits of them too. I definitely inherited my plant obsessions from my Mum, who has essentially filled every surface of my parent’s home with something leafy and alive. She’s had one particular Jade plant for what feels like my entire life but it’s at least 15 years old! I get a lot of questions about how I keep my succulents alive (which I welcome!) so I think I might create a little handbook to share all my tips and tricks in, which may or may not just be a scheme to buy more.

September was a great month for culinary delights. It kicked off with a visit from my girl Allie, who like me, LOVES good food and believes very little in moderation. We set out to build the most epic charcuterie feast while she was here and I think it’s safe to say we were successful. Cheeses, meats, breads, pates, pickled delicacies, mustards, olives, local brews and fresh fruits were combined to create a feast fit for queens! Or at least well worthy of documentation.

We harvested so many good things from the garden. Kale, hot peppers, squash, cherry tomatoes and herbs all came to fruition during September and we took full advantage. Spicy pasta sauces, epic salads and tasty mashed butternuts have all been on repeat these days.

My Mum and I treated ourselves to a fancy lady luncheon last week at my current favourite spot Artisanale. I absolutely love their take on French country cooking and the cozy atmosphere is friendly and delightful. If you’re in a treat-yoself mood and happen to be in Guelph, definitely give it a try!

I wish we could manage a trip to the Farmer’s Market every weekend but it seems once a month is the best we can do at the moment. At least the novelty wont wear off at this rate and it serves as a little mid month reward when we’re feeling up to an early Saturday stroll downtown.

My little fur prince Dobby has been loving these cooler days and all the amazing Autumn scents that are floating by on brisk breezes. I’ve been loving these chilly nights because it means he can stay on the bed and we won’t wake up to a panting little hot water bottle. Instead, he snuggles in and keeps my toes toasty while he dreams of fetches and kibbles and eradicating all rodents from our yard.

Our little place is still slowly inching along. We got a new front door, it’s black and glorious and totally makes our entrance 1000x more chic. Now we’re forging ahead inside with insulation, vapour barrier, drywall, paint, trim and all those other steps no one wants to talk about that take forever. Hoping to be damn near done by Christmas! Until then, I’ll be sharing cute little vignettes and corners that make me happy (rather than frustrated and depressed).

We’ve been very lucky this year with our transition into Fall being a gradual one for once. It usually happens overnight and all of a sudden it’s time to bust out the hats a gloves, but this year it’s been perfect. Only now does the forecast boast some proper cool temps and I’m happy to see them approaching.
This gentle transition has been ideal for a Fall fashion lover like myself. I’ve been getting creative with layers and easing into ankle boots. Duster vests and light-weight coats have been my go-to these days and I just can’t seem to get enough!
I was absolutely over the moon when I got a note from Caroline Joy Rector, the brilliant lady behind the blog Un-Fancy (a personal fave), saying she was going to give the 10 x 10 Challenge a go. It’s been so rewarding to see how this little exercise has permeated the world of lean and capsule closets all over the globe. Caroline did such an awesome job remixing her 10 items to make 10 great looks. She shared all her findings and takeaways from the challenge in a wrap up post and reading what she learned was such a treat.
It’s amazing how much you can learn about your personal style (even when you’re a pro like Caroline) and reinvest in your existing closet through these challenges. The best part is that it never fails to serve as a reminder that you really don’t need more.
Which brings me to some exciting news! I’ll be kicking off my Fall 10 x 10 Challenge this Friday. WOOHOO!
To be totally honest, I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut lately but I know this exercise will be the perfect way to regroup and inject my life with a much needed style boost. I hope you’ll join me and share your looks with the hashtag #stylebee10x10! My 10 chosen items and all the details to follow this Friday.
++ SUPER SPOILER ALERT: Style Bee will be teaming up with Un-Fancy for a Winter Remix Challenge hitting our blogs in January and I CAN. NOT. WAIT!
I’m a new reader, also brought here by Unfancy! It’s so exciting to discover bloggers who are serious about ethical fashion. I love your aesthetic, and even more importantly YOUR DOG IS ADORABLE. Is he a corgi? The snippets from your house also look fantastic, and I really like the leaf-and-naked-women painting. Do you know the artist? I’d love to see more of their work.
Thanks for all the inspiration—I’ll be visiting regularly 🙂
Hi Sophie! Thanks so much for stopping by Style Bee 🙂 Dobby is indeed a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He’s basically my whole life and the most amazing little creature ever haha!
Isn’t that painting so good!? The artist is Yvonne Weiss and she’s a Guelph, On local. I don’t think she has a website but she’s @y_vonne on Instagram.
Happy Friday! xo
Just looking at the plants in your photos refresh my mind. Love the white on black outfit you have on. I’m looking forward to seeing your 10×10 challenge, those are lovely items you picked.
Inez | My Small World
Thanks Inez! Should be a fun challenge and I hope you’ll join me! xo
I remember when Caroline first mentioned that she wanted to shop more responsibly in a post shortly after her blog hiatus ending, and totally commenting on said post with a link to your first ethical shopping guide. And so now seeing a collaboration between my two favorite bloggers is such a dream come true!
Can’t wait to see the Winter Remix Challenge posts! Also, big time crushing on your renovation progress.
Ah, this makes me so SO happy to read Dorothy!! Thank you so much for the support! It’s defintiely been a dream of mine to team up with Caroline so I couldn’t be more psyched 🙂 xo
Just a belated expression of gratitude:) I found you through Caroline’s posts over at Unfancy, and am so pleased to discover a new-to-me, smart, savvy, minimalist person/dresser/blogger – especially one in Canada!
Though I’m very new to fashion and such, I’ve had a “capsule wardrobe” most of my life – just didn’t call it that. I’m from the states but live in Nelson, BC, where I teach and practice Chinese Medicine. Wow, was I longing for your Canadian shopping guide. Thank you!
THANK YOU! So happy you found me over here Dana! BC has the best laid-back style and so many amazing makers, so you’re in a great spot 🙂 xo
Love your monthly vibes! Glad you did it again. Besides closet mission posts they are my favorite.
I’am excited about the upcoming closet 10×10 fall remix too. I did Caroline’s with her too, and it was great. I basically dress like that anyways, so I always feel super relaxed, and love doing them.
Your front door is gorgeous!
Dobby is as handsome as ever!
Have a great October 🙂
Thanks so much Jodie! You are such a lean closet pro and I’m thrilled to have you join in! Wasn’t Caroline’s remix so good?! I’ll let Dobby know he got a ‘handsome’ comment haha. Same to you babe! xo
Great post! I just want to say that I am obsessed with black doors and yours is perfect! The brass mail slot rocks! X
Thanks Alex! I totally have a thing for black doors too 🙂 Our house is red brick so it just seemed like the most elegant way to make a statement that would also be timeless and not too ‘out there’ haha. xo
YAAAY! So excited to see the 10 items you picked, pretty lady! (And super excited about our winter remix!) It’s so true — I figured I would learn a thing or two from the remix, but I didn’t realize just how surprising my discoveries would be. It’s just so cool to get that kind of clarity in such a short time period. 10×10 remixes for the win! Thanks for the inspiration (and for the shout out)! xo Caroline
Ah, Thanks lady!! Me too 🙂 I totally know what you mean about the discoveries being much more profound than just simply whether you like an item or not. It’s a great way to test if your style and ‘lifestyle’ are in sync too. THANK YOU for the constant inspo and thoughtfulness about style but especially for keeping it real. Your remix is going to be a tough act to follow! xoxo